Grow Christians

Parenting Teens

10 ways I practice faith while parenting teenagers – Miriam McKenney

Spring Chill (In My House) – Miriam McKenney

Handing on Faith Isn’t Easy – Miriam McKenney

My teens won’t read the Bible. – Miriam McKenney

Family Bible Study: A Labor of Love – Miriam McKenney

Morning Prayer at Home can work with teens and tweens – Nurya Love Parish

Family Bible Study: Taking Root – Miriam McKenney

Changing perspectives with opposite thinking… even with teens. – Miriam McKenney

Talking Scripture: you can go home again. – Miriam McKenney

Teaching Kids to Pray for our Enemies – Miriam McKenney

You can’t make me: Should kids be forced to go to church? – Miriam McKenney

We say we want kids at church. So what are we prepared to do? – Miriam McKenney

Let’s keep working to involve teens in church life. – Miriam McKenney

My parents had honest conversations with me about teen parties. Now… – Rachel Jones

What do teens want from church? – Kim Faasse

Practicing thankfulness and forgiveness with teens. – Miriam McKenney

Intentionally authentic: shared prayer with my girls. – Miriam McKenney

Tonight I pick up my daughter from the Episcopal Youth Event. Then what? – Nurya Love Parish

When raising teens, expect dark clouds. They’ll pass over. – Miriam McKenney

Shining light in dark places: when your teen mentions suicide  – Miriam McKenney

When life overwhelms, we follow Jesus.  – Miriam McKenney

Hiking our way: rebuilding our church’s youth group  – Miriam McKenney

My youth group is reading Exodus. They not-so-secretly like it. – Miriam McKenney

Scripture engagement with teens: subtle and not-so-subtle approaches – Miriam McKenney

Being Teens

A Teenager Appreciates Tradition – Emma Detrick

 Parenting Young Adults

My adult child reflects on her faith – Miriam McKenney

Learning to Trust God and Let Go – Nancy Hopkins-Greene

My (unchurched) adult son stood up for Jesus and Scripture on social media. – Mary Lee Wile

I’m still learning to see my adult child with eyes of faith. – Miriam McKenney


Being Young Adults

Following Jesus with my whole life – Grace Aheron


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