Saint Jude’s Important Question
When my kids were younger, my husband and I did a lot of faith-at-home practices throughout the year.
When my kids were younger, my husband and I did a lot of faith-at-home practices throughout the year.
In this season of Easter, I have been wondering just when and how Jesus might reveal himself to our oldest son, or all our sons for that matter.
Educators are already aware of Minecraft’s potential in the classroom, to the extent that Minecraft has created Minecraft: Education Edition to accommodate teachers. But Minecraft can also be useful for both parents and Christian educators in teaching children about both liturgy and the Bible.
I have my share of impulsive freak-outs when I glance at the couch from the kitchen and see my tween daughters in their favorite spots staring at their screens again.
A few weeks ago, I sat in a parent-teacher conference with my fifth grader.
It’s a Sunday after church and we’re stuffing Nutella-ed plates and oatmeal-ed bowls into the dishwasher while also fixing lunch. Except one of us is already done and inviting the neighbors over.
We’re only two weeks into Lent but it seems like we’ve integrated a new habit into our lives.
I encourage my boys to pray, but I’m not sure I’ve done a good job of showing them how. That’s something I will change this Lent.
I said a prayer for guidance and remembered no one can comprehend the grace of God.
I like that these prayers always feel accessible to me—always seem to be running on some subliminal loop inside my heart.