Hiking our way: rebuilding our church’s youth group
“How did I get here?” I thought. “More importantly, how do I get out?”
“How did I get here?” I thought. “More importantly, how do I get out?”
My dad always says, “Nothing will change in your life if you do not read the Bible.” I believe this is true.
Jesus does wonders with that still space we make in our hearts and makes it enough—more than enough—to carry us wherever we need to go.
By sharing in our brokenness, we find healing. We find God.
The youth at the Episcopal Youth Event picked up one book more than any other from the Forward Movement table.
St James’ example leads me to understand my place as a pilgrim at all times and in all places.
I’m an Episcopal Youth Event parent. It matters that I stop, hear my daughter’s story – and listen for what God has done in it.
My daughter is learning to trust her sense of herself and her vocation. So am I.
I started to very intentionally work prayer into our daily conversation in ways that didn’t feel forced or hokey.