Joseph of Arimathea held death in his arms
What is most vivid for me about Joseph is how he is moved by Jesus’ death.
What is most vivid for me about Joseph is how he is moved by Jesus’ death.
The person who probably would have been least concerned with how many books he sold was Thomas à Kempis.
Evelyn Underhill lived a sort of double life.
I imagine some folks prefer keeping their thin places to themselves, so that they remain personal sanctuaries hidden from the rest of the world. However, I’ve found tremendous joy sharing them with my husband and children.
Perhaps one of the best-known agents of change in the way Christian Europe understood itself was Joan of Arc.
If you are a western Christian, Saint Monica might be the second most famous Christian mother you can name, after Our Lady.
Early Christianity has a major ratio problem when it comes to male and female leaders.
Mark’s evangelism took fierce courage to go beyond his boundaries, into the unknown, to the unseen, sharing news he knew was urgent, life-sustaining, and fortifying.
As a young child, I held aspirations of joining the military. I remember our imaginary play through back street alleys and vacant lots included re-enacting scenes from the latest war movie that we watched on television.
In my household, when we find ourselves really angry with each other, we begin to compose elaborate prefaces for our sentences.