Celebrating St. James, Apostle
There is something about Jesus that makes a claim on a person. St. James knew that at first hand.
There is something about Jesus that makes a claim on a person. St. James knew that at first hand.
The work of beholding resurrection and new life belongs to all the faithful.
St. James’s feast day is celebrated on July 25. In his life and death we receive the message: settle down, but keep going.
Now that my daughter has moved away with her mother, my methods for sharing faith have to change. My intentionality about doing so remains.
Today we celebrate the feast of St. John the Baptist. If there is one thing he preached and practiced, it was the grace of God — which has practical consequences for us.
The Episcopal Church celebrates the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul on June 29th. Through the forgiveness Jesus gave Peter and the conversion Paul experienced, we are reminded to have hope for ourselves and those we love.
Today the church honors St. Barnabas, Apostle. This image makes more evident how extraordinary he was – and how we are called to proclaim the gospel in our day, as he did in his.
St. Barnabas shows us how to create a space of acceptance and encouragement where our children can discover ways to grow their own faith.
St. Philip and St. James remind us that ordinary people responding to Jesus Christ can change the course of human history – whether you celebrate them at home today or tomorrow.
I didn’t start celebrating saints days when my kids were little. But I can still start now.