Celebrating James of Jerusalem and the Power of Names
There’s going to be a brother in our house. The two big sisters, upon learning we are expecting a boy, spent nearly five minutes in anguish before returning to delightful anticipation of Baby.
There’s going to be a brother in our house. The two big sisters, upon learning we are expecting a boy, spent nearly five minutes in anguish before returning to delightful anticipation of Baby.
It happens often when we are in church: at the time of the children’s sermon, my daughter is nowhere to be found.
Today, we honor the feast day of Hildegard of Bingen, a twelfth-century Benedictine abbess who was not elevated to sainthood until 2012. She was a prolific writer and composer, leaving us dozens of songs and poems, and nine books, including works on medicine and pharmacology.
We were standing in front of an overflowing trash can in the neighborhood “fast-food chicken” franchise. It took me a moment to register my son asking me the question. I’d been daydreaming and lost in thought.
Our calendar commends us today to celebrate the life of Harriet Starr Cannon and her founding of the Community of
Today is the feast of Saint Philip and Saint James, apostles with ambiguous storylines and confusingly common names.
We know Oscar Romero because of his outspoken liberation theology, but that is not what marked the majority of his ordained life.
Very little is known about Saint Matthias, as he is only mentioned in the first chapter of Acts when he is elected to replace Judas as an Apostle. Early church fathers believe that he was among the 72 sent out by Jesus, but the only thing we know for sure about Matthias is this: he followed Jesus from the beginning and was present throughout the ministry of Jesus.
I first learned of Brigid a few years ago while researching Ireland, and discovered that Brigid was another much beloved patron saint of the country, alongside Saint Patrick. I
Bedtime is always a time of revelation and sometimes self-revelation in our household, particularly with our youngest child who is eight-years-old. We have noticed since Thanksgiving that he has been easily frustrated, trying out unsavory words on his older brother, and bursting into tears quite regularly.