The Feast of Saint Benedict: The Rule of Thirds
I discovered a love for photography at an early age. My mom gave me her old Konica 35mm sometime in high school.
I discovered a love for photography at an early age. My mom gave me her old Konica 35mm sometime in high school.
In one of the premarital counseling sessions with my wife, the therapist asked us about gender roles in our relationship.
The best scene of the best episode of Netflix’s “The Crown” is Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation in “Smoke and Mirrors” (the fifth episode of the first season).
The feast of Saint Julian finds me during a time when I need her.
As a priest I probably shouldn’t admit to this, but I know next to nothing about James and Philip, the two saints whom we honor today. To be fair, none of us can claim to know much about them either.
Gilded chapels and stained glass light have been the setting of my past reflections on the feast day of Saint Mark the Evangelist. But this year, there is COVID-19. It seems that nothing is left untouched by the pandemic.
You might notice that people around you are in clashing shades of green, pinching priests who forgot a green accessory,
Our faithfulness is not a reality show to be won, but rather transformation for God and glory to God alone.
I am the oldest of three children in my family. My two sisters are my best friends, though for many years before I came to see them that way they were also my worst enemies.
Saint Martin’s Day, held each year on November 11th, is not one that makes many calendars outside Europe, but it’s one of our absolute favorites.