Jonathan Daniels and Risking One’s Life for the Gospel
I like many have begun, far later than I have an excuse for, to reckon with the history of what I once called home.
I like many have begun, far later than I have an excuse for, to reckon with the history of what I once called home.
Maybe it’s the pandemic talking, but the spicy chicken sandwich from Popeye’s is tears-to-the-eyes good. I tried it once and now I’ve had it…more than once.
I am not sure if Frances Perkins is a household name for Christians. I can safely say she’s not mentioned
Bishop Barbara C. Harris died on March 13th, 2020, where I’m sure God welcomed her with the same words and emotion she shared with a friend upon her entrance into the convention center filled with 8,000 people at her consecration: “What a hell of a welcome!”
Saint Cecelia and Saint Agnes are known for contributions to the church writ large, one contribution being how they have inspired the women who came into the church after them.
Throughout my younger years, my dad was fond of reminding me that Del Priores were supposed to be Renaissance men. It was something he took great pride in. His motto and mantra back then: Jack of all trades, master of none. Honestly, I think he sold himself short, as he is truly a master of much.
Today, All Souls Day, our family takes time give thanks for and share stories about family members and friends who have helped us along our Christian journey.
The day is finally here: October 27th. It’s the publication date for Growing Christians, the first book we created as the Grow Christians community. Last week I shared a sneak peek inside the book on the Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist, and today I’d like to share why we wrote it.
If Jerome is right, and if you and I are going to be friends in the course of this post, I should start by being honest. I don’t really like Jerome.
I hope Clare of Assisi and her Poor Ladies embraced the gift of humor as much as they did poverty, charity and humility.