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For reasons still unclear to me, I signed up for something called Boxfit last month. I had been searching for a new […]
For reasons still unclear to me, I signed up for something called Boxfit last month. I had been searching for a new […]
How do we, as Christian families, talk to our kids about the carnage and chaos – created by human hands and human hearts – erupting in the Holy Land right now?
But how do we model discipleship when we live so far away?
I find myself searching for a theology resource I could feel comfortable with, not just in content but in approach.
After a year of online Sunday School, he had lots of questions.
Today we celebrate and commemorate the Apostle Philip who, like most followers of Jesus named in the Gospels, we know very little about.
We were standing in front of an overflowing trash can in the neighborhood “fast-food chicken” franchise. It took me a moment to register my son asking me the question. I’d been daydreaming and lost in thought.
Today, June 19, we remember Adelaide Teague Case, who died seventy-one years ago. “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church” tells us that Dr. Case was “the first woman to be appointed to full professional rank in an Anglican seminary.” She was a theologian, librarian, professor, and writer, but she lived at a time before women could be ordained in the Episcopal Church.
Last Sunday I had to bat cleanup after my own sermon. Sometime during the Nicene Creed, I realized that I’d left something out. It was an important point with significant pastoral implications.
As we approach Lent, I wonder how we can use this season to help the teenagers in our care, at home and at church, keep the door open for faith.