Grow Christians

Lords Prayer

Parenting, Prayer

Sealed with the Holy Spirit

Emotions stand at what feels like a mere blink away, always. I hear her message, that one I read just before a daughter was delivered weeks early and would need multiple surgeries before she and I finally got to sleep under the same roof of home…eucharisteo. Thanks in all circumstances, for all things.

Prayer, Spiritual Practices

Teaching the Lord’s Prayer

A while ago I was looking for a gift to give at church for children’s baptisms or to new parents, when I stumbled upon these jumbo prayer beads, perfect for little hands. Wanting to connect the beads to a practice of prayer, I devised a little method of traveling the beads while praying The Lord’s Prayer, connecting each bead to a portion of the prayer, in the hopes that this tactile practice would help the children both memorize and internalize the prayer that Christ taught us all to pray.

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