Grow Christians


Parenting, Prayer

Who do I count as my child?

The other day at work, I had a routine interaction with a coworker that left me feeling unsettled. The woman is new to my organization, and we had an orientation meeting so I could provide an overview of the projects I work on that will overlap with hers.


Being Equipped by God

If there is a verse that I have preached to myself, if there is a promise that I have held onto, it is this one.  God equips us for what God calls us do in our lives. In my family, God equips us to homeschool and to care for orphans and to pray for troubled marriages.



“Grandma, where’s your mean picture?” asks my seven-year old grandson.“Mean” picture? Our house is full of family photos, paintings, icons – but I can’t think of any “mean” pictures.


The simplest love story, loud and true

In the middle of a Saturday morning, with cartoon noise in the background, two dogs snoring after a brisk walk around the neighborhood, brothers rushing out the garage door to ride bikes and meet up with friends, our littlest will bust out in song.

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