I Almost Missed the Wonderment and the Magnificent!
Hurrying around the parish campus, trying to get ready for our patron feast, Saint Michael’s Day, I would have easily missed something wonderful!
Hurrying around the parish campus, trying to get ready for our patron feast, Saint Michael’s Day, I would have easily missed something wonderful!
The simplest way I can describe Wild Goose is a progressive Christian festival, an ecumenical experience that can house exvangelicals on deconstruction journeys alongside various mainstream protestants, Catholics, Quakers, and the unaffiliated.
When we read Bible stories, we always want to cast ourselves as favorably as possible. Sure, we might not be the Forgiving Father – that’s clearly Jesus casting himself in his story, right? – but we could at least be the forgiven son. Except we usually aren’t.
I cannot fix this world for my sweet babies, but I can make sure they know their own place in working for peace.
In a short life of 33 years, Saint Catherine of Siena never seems to have wasted a moment.
Little did I know that Zoom was soon to be a household word. The world around us changed quickly, so I adjusted my ministry as the Director of Christian Education.
When your children realize that they’re adults, it puts a whole new spin on the phrase “life comes at you fast.” Miriam McKenney wonders whether or not her kids’ faith lives are enough to equip them for adulthood.
Over a decade ago, while in seminary I began researching children’s spirituality. I read whatever I could and looked at
I imagine hesitation and maybe even resistance into this story. But my children do not.
The stark questions of little people, especially around issues of faith and faith identity, can make us very uncomfortable.