Creating a Practical Response to the Bread Gospel
Today is the fourth Sunday in a row we’ve heard about bread in church. I am the bread of life, he […]
Today is the fourth Sunday in a row we’ve heard about bread in church. I am the bread of life, he […]
Mom cooked a huge Thanksgiving meal each year – and I never got why. Until, that is, we had to celebrate Thanksgiving without her.
Imagine an annual spring tradition in which you plant basil seeds in an herb garden while retelling the story of Helena digging up her own basil and finding Jesus’ cross.
My daughter would start with the memorized prayer, then go “off script” and talk to God. She learned to pray.
Eating in place cares for our community and climate. But it’s tricky when the ground is blanketed by snow.
Feasting is not the same as gluttony. In fact, thoughtful, Christian feasting is in many ways gluttony’s opposite.
It didn’t exist a year ago. But today, it is a real ministry just beginning to bear fruit.
It is by God’s hand, not our own doing, that we are all continually fed.
Not long ago, I was a farmer. These days, it seems like a victory just to get dinner on the table.
Making my offering became a very holy, personal thing to me.