Grow Christians

Feast Days


Dear Thomas, Thank You

Dear Thomas, As we celebrate your feast day today I can’t help but cringe when I think about the number of times I’ve heard people chide the use of your modern-day nickname “Doubting Thomas.” As much as I’d rather not admit it, I, too, have declared from the pulpit that it’s demeaning and unfair to emphasize your apparent skepticism surrounding Jesus’ resurrection.


Celebrating Saint Lucy of Syracuse

The name Lucy means light. She is a light, but more importantly she points us to the light of Christ. In the literal darkness we face every year at this time and in the greater darkness we face in our lives and in the world, Lucy reminds us that the light of Christ shines in the midst of it all, and the darkness does not overcome it.  


Offering God Our Gifts and Our Doubts with Saint Andrew

Saint Andrew shows us we do have gifts to offer within ourselves and others, however big or small, and we can bring them forward to help feed, heal and bless those around us. And like Andrew, we can hold tight to our faith that no matter what we offer, our offerings are enough for God to work with and make miracles happen in this broken world. 

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