Please don’t follow me for more simple kid hair hacks
Our daughter came into the world with a large head, a conspicuous tuft of bright red hair, and a deep stubborn streak which clearly has no relation to her biological parentage.
Our daughter came into the world with a large head, a conspicuous tuft of bright red hair, and a deep stubborn streak which clearly has no relation to her biological parentage.
What do you need to adopt about your home and about yourself as a parent or spouse to have the kind of home you want?
I don’t like doing things badly. I don’t like doing things badly in front of other people. I really don’t like doing things badly with a bathing suit on in front of other people. This was the set of parameters I had to work with for my Annual Discernment of Kit’s Lenten Practice this year.
My attempts to modify others’ behavior during the six weeks before Easter haven’t really been any more effective than my mother’s were.
I encourage my boys to pray, but I’m not sure I’ve done a good job of showing them how. That’s something I will change this Lent.
Your screaming toddler just might save your soul.
There will be days when we don’t run well—when we fall down or throw up or cry or can’t finish. And that is ok. We have not ruined Lent.
Are your kids too young to “get” Lent? Here are some fun ways to turn the season into an adventure.
As Christians, we approach child-raising differently.
The Rule of St. Benedict provided – and still provides – a basic guide for living the Christian life.