Building Your Child’s Faith Library
In my search for great books about faith, I’ve found some really wonderful ones.
In my search for great books about faith, I’ve found some really wonderful ones.
We want to know scripture, and we want our children to know scripture. Here are some ways to begin.
I read my boys the Bible every morning during their growing-up years. I’m glad I did.
Your screaming toddler just might save your soul.
Mary Magdalene proclaimed to the Apostles and to the world the work of the risen Christ in her life.
My daughter would start with the memorized prayer, then go “off script” and talk to God. She learned to pray.
Concentrated time with Jesus and a faithful, beloved community such as the ones formed at camp are important for all of us.
My daughter is learning to trust her sense of herself and her vocation. So am I.
I started to very intentionally work prayer into our daily conversation in ways that didn’t feel forced or hokey.
From fast and simple to involved and edifying, five ways to celebrate Pentecost at home.