Abide With Me
I don’t know much about dream analysis, but maybe I should look into it.
A few years ago my daughter Sarah’s most treasured book was Rick Riordan’s retellings of Greek myths through the eyes of his character Percy Jackson.
As the COVID19 pandemic continues to keep extended families, youth groups, and church friends physically separate, here are some games to enjoy via video conference (Zoom, FaceTime, Google Hangout).
Autumn is a firstborn daughter, like me, and sixth months my senior. Unlike me, her dad—an artist, teacher and retired cross country coach—is Navajo (Diné).
It’s been fifty days since Easter Day. Fifty days. Seven Weeks. An entire liturgical season spent physically distancing from our church families.
As a Generation X woman, working mother, clergy spouse, and people pleaser, I’ve often felt the “damned if we do, damned if we don’t” pull inside myself.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Universal chose to release Trolls World Tour to streaming platforms to rent. A 48 hour
A recent, widely shared tweet says, “Honestly, I hadn’t planned on giving up quite this much for Lent.”
You might notice that people around you are in clashing shades of green, pinching priests who forgot a green accessory,