Calling On God in Common, Creative Prayer
The creation of these prayers nearly always binds a group together in profound ways.
The creation of these prayers nearly always binds a group together in profound ways.
Abigail Pogrebin wrote about observing the whole Jewish year. I read about ways to cultivate faith at home.
Our recent reader survey provides some insights about the community we’re building here.
We’re almost one year old! Help us improve by filling out our survey, and be entered to win a bundle of Lent 2017 resources.
Might you have a story to tell about how you share faith with younger generations?
We’re read the surveys and set our direction for the second phase of the pilot. Also, giveaway winner announcement!
Grow Christians readers, you are amazing! Over 100 of you have responded to the survey we posted requesting your thoughts
Exactly two months ago today, Grow Christians launched with these words: “we’re piloting this space during Lent 2016.” On January
As a child, I was somewhat confused about death. I blame Star Wars.