Loving God’s Creatures, Great and Small
There are many ways for your family to practice acts of kindness (much like Saint Francis did!) to animals, even if you don’t have pets in your home.
There are many ways for your family to practice acts of kindness (much like Saint Francis did!) to animals, even if you don’t have pets in your home.
Merry Michaelmas! Have you started working on your Christmas pageant yet?
Jesus not only called Matthew to be a disciple, but received many of his friends and associates with kindness and acceptance.
“Nothing human’s not a broth of false and true.” —Frederick Buechner, Godric
The first Episcopal Church I ever attended regularly—and the church that changed my entire course of my life—was St. Bartholomew’s in Atlanta, GA.
The hero’s journey predates even our earliest holy scriptures.
Five months ago my fourteen-year-old and I participated in an intergenerational Civil Rights Pilgrimage with his church youth group.
One book that has survived moves and book purges since I graduated seminary is Francis and Clare: The Complete Works from the Classics of Western Spirituality series.
What is most vivid for me about Joseph is how he is moved by Jesus’ death.