The Time it Takes: Trusting with Saint Thomas
It takes the time it takes, I heard the speaker say.
It takes the time it takes, I heard the speaker say.
As an oldest daughter in a family that went to a specifically Norwegian Lutheran church, oh how I wanted to wear that iconic white dress, red sash, and crown of candles.
In a land where the beauty of creation was all around, when a boy named Nicholas came to birth, there began a holy journey for this boy whose name means ‘Victor of the People.’
By the time I was confirmed in the Methodist Church, I knew a lot of Bible, and, because the pastor who led our confirmation classes was a history buff, a good deal of church history, too.
I was twenty-five years old before I finally realized my birth in 1964 had been the result of an unplanned pregnancy.
Examining the life and leadership of Queen Margaret of Scotland reminds me that people born a thousand years ago are fully capable of offering insight to contemporary Christian living.
During the period of colonialism and when the Church aligned itself with the State, paternalism became the way of ‘ministering’ to indigenous people.
The saints can give us something that Jesus could not.
There are times in each one of our lives when we must choose between holding tightly to our convictions or loosen our grip on them.