Dietrich Bonhoeffer: No Cheap Grace
I often struggle with how to balance opposing injustice and evil while maintaining my Christian commitment to mercy, peace, and forgiveness.
I often struggle with how to balance opposing injustice and evil while maintaining my Christian commitment to mercy, peace, and forgiveness.
I once taught a course entitled, ‘Serving to Learn, Learning to Serve.’
Most of what we know about Chad, monastic and Bishop of Lichfield and Mercia, is gleaned from the pages of the Venerable Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People.
Born in 1593, George Herbert, a cousin of the Earl of Pembroke, grew up amongst gifted and creative people.
It happens every few months: someone at the parish where I work will ask me what my name is.
One of the most challenging aspects of parenting is seeking forgiveness.
When I looked at the lectionary for the month of February and saw today’s feast, I will admit that I wasn’t sure of the women’s identities whom we celebrate today—Agnes Tsao Kou Ying, Agatha Lin Zhao, and Lucy Yi Zhenmei.
Born into slavery in Delaware in 1746, Absalom Jones was taken to Philadelphia at sixteen by his enslaver, who sold his mother and siblings before the move.
Today we commemorate three men who accompanied Paul on his missionary journeys and shared in his hardships and sufferings for the sake of the gospel.
Does the trajectory of your religious life look like Paul’s? Mine doesn’t, and not just because I never worked the coat closet at a stoning.