Jesus welcomed St. Thomas’s doubt. What about mine?
Jesus never condemns Thomas. Instead, he invites Thomas to come closer.
Jesus never condemns Thomas. Instead, he invites Thomas to come closer.
I imagine hesitation and maybe even resistance into this story. But my children do not.
The powerful witness of St. Simon and St. Jude inspired a window at Chartres Cathedral – and inspires us today.
James’ entire post-conversion lifestyle can be described as both radical and unpopular.
St. Jude’s legacy is based on just one spoken question.
The musical’s haunting refrain inspires my gratitude for St. Luke’s ministry of storytelling.
My kids had fun being in charge of the evening’s meal, and I had a good time watching them work together and talk about what makes a good sibling.
It’s hard for children to let go of baby blankets. It’s even harder for us adults to let go of security addictions or habits and leap fully into the hands of God.
I’ve never been the kind of person on whom a bird would perch. But there’s much more to St. Francis than that.
Angels appear in about half the books of the Bible and are mentioned over 300 times. They fulfill the function of gateway – or bridge – between heaven and earth.