St. James of Jerusalem, Pillar of the Church
How many of our current events—in politics or in our church deliberations—get stuck in frustrating stalemates?
How many of our current events—in politics or in our church deliberations—get stuck in frustrating stalemates?
Unlike the other gospelwriters, Luke includes the events surrounding and supporting the birth of Christ.
Special days aren’t just for Advent and Lent, they happen throughout the year. By observing just a few, we enrich our faith, and the faith of our family.
Saint Bartholomew is the patron saint of bookbinders and is often depicted holding the Gospel book.
St James’ example leads me to understand my place as a pilgrim at all times and in all places.
St. Philip and St. James are almost unknown people. Yet clearly they mattered to Jesus.
Once I buried a statue of St. Joseph upside-down, I started noticing how his steady faith carried him and his family through topsy-turvy situations.
The feast of St. Peter’s confession is a great time to mix up some tasty rocks with the kids.
St. John faints away at the words of Christ announcing his coming betrayal. The space in DaVinci’s painting helps me consider the ways I am separated from Christ.
My daughter has outgrown her bold statements. But now I miss her brutal honesty.