Everyone has a past, Photini allowed hers to reflect light
I’ve commented to friends once too often that I am deeply grateful that social media and camera phones weren’t a thing when I was in college.
I’ve commented to friends once too often that I am deeply grateful that social media and camera phones weren’t a thing when I was in college.
Very little is known about Saint Matthias, as he is only mentioned in the first chapter of Acts when he is elected to replace Judas as an Apostle. Early church fathers believe that he was among the 72 sent out by Jesus, but the only thing we know for sure about Matthias is this: he followed Jesus from the beginning and was present throughout the ministry of Jesus.
As the story goes, Martin Luther, the German Catholic monk and scholar, nailed his “Disputation on the Power and Efficacy
Today, we remember Absalom Jones, who was born into a world that didn’t see him deserving of love; a world that didn’t see him or his worth. Absalom Jones was born a slave in Delaware in 1746.
I first learned of Brigid a few years ago while researching Ireland, and discovered that Brigid was another much beloved patron saint of the country, alongside Saint Patrick. I
Please church, welcome, encourage and support the faith, prophetic voices, and ministries of our young people. We need them now more than ever.
Bedtime is always a time of revelation and sometimes self-revelation in our household, particularly with our youngest child who is eight-years-old. We have noticed since Thanksgiving that he has been easily frustrated, trying out unsavory words on his older brother, and bursting into tears quite regularly.
Today is not only the Feast of the Confession of Saint Peter, but also the first day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This week falls each January between two holy days: The Confession of Saint Peter and the Conversion of Saint Paul.
In terms of my life circumstances, I couldn’t possibly have less in common with the ammas who fled to the desert for spiritual growth and exploration. I have a marriage, a parish, and two kids. And a dog. And chickens (maybe they had chickens in the desert?).
I didn’t realize I knew Amelia Bloomer even before I read about her for this post. Growing up in a cluster of all-girls, uniform-enforcing schools, I was introduced to one of her lasting gifts to the world first hand: the bloomer.