The Complicated Call of Saint Francis
I have a complicated relationship with Saint Francis.
If Jerome is right, and if you and I are going to be friends in the course of this post, I should start by being honest. I don’t really like Jerome.
When angels appear to people in scripture the first thing they say is, “Do not be afraid!” And that’s what I need to hear today, on the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels.
I really thought I was a ninja when I was a kid. Seriously. Well, at least a ninja in training.
Today we celebrate the commemoration of Saint Hildegard of Bingen, a woman offering so many gifts to the church that they are hard to list.
A scene from that quirky 1993 movie Household Saints had been on my mind, and I found myself watching well beyond the part I intended to revisit.
For Phoebe, as for many biblical women, we are left to construct and imagine with the barest of scraps of insight.
Nothing, really, is known about Bartholomew, who is mentioned in the list of disciples in the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark,
I have to be very careful when I write about the Blessed Virgin Mary.
I hope Clare of Assisi and her Poor Ladies embraced the gift of humor as much as they did poverty, charity and humility.