Grow Christians



Word and Deed: The Feast of Saint Stephen

Throughout my younger years, my dad was fond of reminding me that Del Priores were supposed to be Renaissance men. It was something he took great pride in. His motto and mantra back then: Jack of all trades, master of none. Honestly, I think he sold himself short, as he is truly a master of much.


Saint Andrew’s Evangelism

Saint Andrew was a pioneer in many ways. His festival is often the first major Christian feast celebrated after the beginning of the Christian year to commemorate his status of being the “first called.”


Margery Kempe’s Devils and Demons

Today we observe the commemoration of Saint Margery Kempe, a presence within the Christian faith and life for a variety of reasons, not least of which how well her wailing was known to the people in her vicinity.


The Tension in Tabitha’s Life

The people send for Peter, because Peter is friends with Jesus. We all do this, right? When I have a cold, I may text my friend with something like, “I feel miserable, say a little prayer for me,” but when I am having surgery, I want the priest there anointing!

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