Why the World Needs Both Mary and Martha
Like many stories from scripture, my understanding of and ability to relate to Mary and Martha evolves over time, changing with the course of my life and what roles I’m filling.
Like many stories from scripture, my understanding of and ability to relate to Mary and Martha evolves over time, changing with the course of my life and what roles I’m filling.
Imagine a hot Philadelphia day. Perhaps, an early Sunday morning in 1777, a year after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Most prayer books sitting in the pew rack have a section of pages that are somewhat dirty. You see them from the side while the book is closed. They are darkened and protruding out a bit.
Say yes like John. Show up like Fran. Be brave. Be bold. Be loved.
Evelyn Underhill was a retreat leader, writer, spiritual director, and thinker of the early to mid 20th century. She was
We celebrate the life of Saint Melania today, a Desert Mother with a heart specifically inclined toward giving away the incredible wealth she possessed. It can be difficult, in the current day, to think about our relationship with wealth, in large part because we have chosen to understand it as less concrete.
Maybe it’s the pandemic talking, but the spicy chicken sandwich from Popeye’s is tears-to-the-eyes good. I tried it once and now I’ve had it…more than once.
My grandfather on my mom’s side (known as Papa) was a veterinarian who loved horses.
“…all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.”
I am not sure if Frances Perkins is a household name for Christians. I can safely say she’s not mentioned