Just Like The Movies: The Many Stories of Nicholas, Bishop of Myra
One of the other wonderful things about having so many ways to tell a story is that we can think creatively about how to share them in our own families and communities.
One of the other wonderful things about having so many ways to tell a story is that we can think creatively about how to share them in our own families and communities.
One month into my junior year of high school and four months after my dad’s sudden death, I declared to my closest friends over school lunch mystery meat that I was quitting church, and, by extension, God.
Safe? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good.
The Spirit of defiance of the social order continued amongst a number of wealthy, and often noble, women of the Middle Ages.
In 371, Martin was elected bishop of Tours. When an officer of the Imperial Guard arrived with a number of prisoners who were to be tortured and executed the next day, Martin intervened and secured their release.
Have you ever googled someone—or yourself, of course!—only to discover a whole lot of other people, in other countries and states, with the same name?
When my kids were younger, my husband and I did a lot of faith-at-home practices throughout the year.
When I reflect on Tabitha, I think of the many things that have died, literally and metaphorically, in the last few years.
While his martyrdom is certainly dramatic, what is most interesting to me about James is the controversy surrounding his relationship to Jesus.
Sure, this is an absolutely absurd approach to reading scripture, and yet it has the potential to highlight a word that is often overlooked and underappreciated.