Saint Jude’s Important Question
When my kids were younger, my husband and I did a lot of faith-at-home practices throughout the year.
When my kids were younger, my husband and I did a lot of faith-at-home practices throughout the year.
When I reflect on Tabitha, I think of the many things that have died, literally and metaphorically, in the last few years.
While his martyrdom is certainly dramatic, what is most interesting to me about James is the controversy surrounding his relationship to Jesus.
Sure, this is an absolutely absurd approach to reading scripture, and yet it has the potential to highlight a word that is often overlooked and underappreciated.
Often it is in the midst of the suffering that mystics see their greatest visions.
“You may be all the Gospel your neighbor will ever read.” — Saint Francis of Assisi
I used to quote this passage to my students at the evangelical university where I taught for ten years. They always nodded in sage agreement, murmuring appreciatively—until I told them the verse wasn’t from the Bible. It’s an Islamic hadith, one of a large collection of wisdom sayings that complement and amplify the Qur’an.
On Friday mornings, on the corner of Pleasant and Union Streets in the heart of Brunswick, Maine, Nancy stands next to a picnic table the children of our congregation painted in vibrant colors.