Agatha of Sicily and Celebrating Whole Womanhood
Maybe you, like me, are surprised to see Pamela Anderson in a Christian education blog.
Maybe you, like me, are surprised to see Pamela Anderson in a Christian education blog.
Some years ago I took a retreat among the brothers at the Society of St. John the Evangelist that focused on icons.
The priest, whose classmates had called him “the dumb ox” because of his huge stature and quiet demeanor, was Thomas Aquinas.
Timothy and Titus were not fresh out of central casting for their roles. They were unlikely leaders. They were underdogs.
I went to Princeton Theological Seminary as a Roman Catholic woman.
Character may be manifested in the great moments, but it is made in the small ones.
I bet there is a “strong one” in your family: the rock on whom the rest of your family can depend.
Saint Aelred of Rievaulx is known for his work on spiritual friendship.
According to South Indian Christian tradition, Saint Thomas the Apostle set sail for the Malabar Coast (present-day Kerala) in 52 CE.