Clare of Assisi and Rules of Life
One book that has survived moves and book purges since I graduated seminary is Francis and Clare: The Complete Works from the Classics of Western Spirituality series.
One book that has survived moves and book purges since I graduated seminary is Francis and Clare: The Complete Works from the Classics of Western Spirituality series.
As we gear up for school and prepare for the effort and pace that comes with doing more, this is also a time to pause and set our spiritual intentions.
If you have a young child, you may not realize it, but your home is probably full of process art.
If you are a western Christian, Saint Monica might be the second most famous Christian mother you can name, after Our Lady.
Some years ago I took a retreat among the brothers at the Society of St. John the Evangelist that focused on icons.
Households may be in a rhythm of setting aside extra space for God during the season of Advent and so these cards are an easy way to extend that space during the season of Christmas.
Upon occasion, we have the privilege and honor to sit with the dying, to accompany death as she visits and extinguishes the flame of life afore us.