How do you talk to your young children about war?
I cannot fix this world for my sweet babies, but I can make sure they know their own place in working for peace.
I cannot fix this world for my sweet babies, but I can make sure they know their own place in working for peace.
Sandwiched between its higher status siblings Christmas and Lent, Epiphany sometimes feels like the middle child of liturgical seasons.
Over the past few months, our three sons have engaged in sibling fighting so much more so than ever before.
Worshiping with kids under 5 has never been easy…and during the pandemic it is even more difficult.
I find myself searching for a theology resource I could feel comfortable with, not just in content but in approach.
My younger daughter was being particular for Christmas: Mandarin skin cream from Aesop, a small facial boutique shop on Lido Isle.
The annual elementary school Thanksgiving feast is such prominent event from my childhood, and one I’m incredibly grateful that my own children have never experienced.
It is normal to think of our children. We worry about them. We celebrate and sometimes share their successes. And perhaps even to a greater degree, we suffer and endure their challenges and failures.
As part of their visit to Episcopal High School, the Buddhist monks taught the art of constructing sand mandalas through demonstration. Days of demonstration.