Front Yard People
Our family has decided that we are #frontyardpeople. We are a family who deliberately spends time in our front yard […]
Our family has decided that we are #frontyardpeople. We are a family who deliberately spends time in our front yard […]
Some of my earliest memories are exploring the forty-five acre farm I grew up on. I remember my cousin showing me how to find spit bugs and thinking it was a miracle that hundreds of these little bugs were there wrapped under leaves and yet I had never seen them before.
As I write this, tens of thousands of people have gathered for a tenth straight day from New York City to San Francisco, in every state and at least 11 nations, to protest racism and police brutality.
Last fall sometime, I declared our family’s Bible passage to be Hebrews 12:1-3 for the school year. I chose it mostly for our oldest son, who in fourth grade, was continuing to struggle to find motivation.
I had it fully mapped out in my head what an excellent Sunday morning we were going to have, which was the first sign that it was definitely going to go in another direction.
I miss, no ache, for busyness. In busyness, we find temporary worth, and get an “importance-rush” that nails us to
The idea came to me when I was gathering up the stubs of taper candles that we used for our Easter Vigil.
For the past eight weeks, my home base has been designated the Special Pathogens Unit of the hospital, which delivers vital care for hospitalized patients infected with COVID-19.
When I worked with youth, one of my favorite events was an agape meal. It started as a Seder and I eventually started calling it “What Would Jesus Eat” which I found hilarious.
If you find yourself thinking, “Wow, this Mother’s Day is absolutely perfect” you can stop reading.