Keeping Family Close
The Coronavirus pandemic has changed my life and my family’s life since February 2020. The last time I was in a social gathering was at my baby shower in late February.
The Coronavirus pandemic has changed my life and my family’s life since February 2020. The last time I was in a social gathering was at my baby shower in late February.
The end of Christmas crashes the promised healing of the manger scene into the wounded world and the terror cultivated by those who fear the loss of power. Christ is already active in the world, but everything is not yet well.
“Oh! There are gifts on the mantel!” She says as she drops her backpack and coat on the way in from school.
My breath quickens when I hear “do less” each Advent. As my heart starts to race, I think, “There’s no way that’s what they really mean!”
If I were writing this last year I don’t even think I would have paid any attention to this part of Nicholas’ story. I’m not sure the word would have registered in my brain. But this year? Hearing of a young boy losing both his parents to an uncontrolled illness was hard to ignore.
Like everything else during coronatide, Thanksgiving is a day filled with tough choices.
There is nothing like both parenting and pastoring to strip you bare.
The day is finally here: October 27th. It’s the publication date for Growing Christians, the first book we created as the Grow Christians community. Last week I shared a sneak peek inside the book on the Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist, and today I’d like to share why we wrote it.
Friends, we did it. We wrote a book.
Yesterday, on day two, I awoke before the rest of our household and read the news, as I typically do each morning. The difference was yesterday as I read the news, my white prayer pumpkin was sitting in front of me.