A Body Like Ours
Mary must have been so frightened.
Sophomore year in high school became a pivotal time in my spiritual development.
Recently, a parishioner described to me her experience of a funeral at another church. “They kept talking about the person’s ‘transition,’” she said. “It took me a while to figure out that they were using that word as a euphemism for death.”
Every first-born male belongs to God, according to Exodus 13, and any family that wished to keep its first-born son instead of offering him up for religious service had to redeem him with a sacrifice in the Temple on the fortieth day after his birth.
I love everything about this new season of Epiphany—chalking the doors, eating King Cake, wearing crowns, and reflecting on the light.
As you prepare for worship, whether it’s today or a future Sunday, I invite you to take a few moments to consider some of the symbols we use for Jesus in our church buildings
We read in the second chapter of the Gospel of Matthew that when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Herod Antipas, the Tetrarch of Galilee (erroneously referred to in the gospels as “King Herod”), fearing for his throne, ordered the deaths all the male children in the Bethlehem area under the age of two.
I will not start packing up the decorations today.
Households may be in a rhythm of setting aside extra space for God during the season of Advent and so these cards are an easy way to extend that space during the season of Christmas.
In keeping with a resounding theme, Advent, this year, has truly served as a time to reflect on love