The Case for All Souls Day
I believe that the observance of All Souls Day is crucial.
I believe that the observance of All Souls Day is crucial.
As the end of another church year draws to a close, I remember that death and time separate me from both my beloved ancestors and the descendants I long to know.
What is the cross of Christ, if not an instrument of death transformed into beauty?
I’ve spent a long time pondering what universal human experience the story of the Transfiguration is trying to tell us.
In late spring and early summer, we experience a lot of endings—and new beginnings.
Healing. Connection. Belonging. Love. These are the words of Pentecost.
There’s plenty there to meditate on (and grow into) for a lifetime. And it’s definitely worth celebrating at home. Here are five ideas for your family – including a mix of fast, simple and elaborate ways to keep the feast of Pentecost.
I was privileged to spend my first two summers after college performing at the Sterling Renaissance Festival.
On Palm Sunday we hear about a tragedy that unfolds at the hands of tyrants and a destructive empire.