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Liturgical Year

Liturgical Year

Turning Toward the Light of Christ

The Friday before the first weekend in Advent, I had only just arrived home when my nearly four year-old son asked if we could begin decorating right now! My wife and I agreed (after dinner). We said that, with our nine month-old beginning to sit up and crawl, we could decorate only at a height out of her reach. We’d set up our little Christmas tree: one that fits on a table top.

Liturgical Year, Parenting, Spiritual Practices

The Small Wonders of the Season

I saw an Instagram post this past week made by a residential program for women who are trying to piece their lives back together after varying circumstances. The picture in the post showed a small child holding a Christmas ornament, the young son of one of the women. The child was entranced with the sparkly red ball in his hands.

Liturgical Year, Parenting

Your Comprehensive Christmas Reading List

Reading some beautiful picture books of the Christmas stories is easily one of the most delightful and simple ways to focus our preparations on the birth of Christ. So head to your library, bookstore, or the Amazon marketplace and while you are at it, pick up some hot chocolate and marshmallows then prepare to snuggle up in front of twinkly lights.

Liturgical Year

Practicing Christmas

When is it okay to start listening to Christmas music? This is not a trick question—I am not the worship police, but I am very aware that we Christians can be particularly judgy about music. For years, I, too, did not want to acknowledge Christmas music in Advent, not least because I love Advent and its hymns (“Comfort, Comfort Ye My People!”).

Liturgical Year

Those Who Take Your Call

Mary does not have a gender-reveal party with a surprise color of cake–teenage pregnancy has always been hard–but she does seem to have a wise friend, and having a wise friend seems to make all the difference. I’ve been thinking about wise friends lately.

Liturgical Year

Telling the Story of God’s Promise through the O Antiphons

This song tells us a very important story, like most songs do. It comes from the heart of God’s people, from across thousands of years, and still means something holy and hopeful every single time we sing it. With titles and word pictures taken from the prophet Isaiah’s conversations about the Messiah, we see all the ways Jesus has come to reconcile the world to himself. Each verse reminds us of a different promise God has bought into being, has made come true, in the person of Jesus.

Liturgical Year

Celebrating the Lesser Feast of Saint Martin with a Lantern Walk

The church celebrates St. Martin of Tours today, November 11th. Martin is best known for cutting his cloak in half with his sword to share with a beggar. Afterward, he had a vision of Christ, wrapped in the half cloak. It’s a pretty simple story, which is one of the reasons it works so well for young children. My children attend a Waldorf school, and celebrating St. Martin has been a beloved tradition for us since the oldest was in preschool.

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