Maundy Thursday: The At Home Edition
As this article is being written, I am on the 20th day being home with my husband, two small children, and my mother.
As this article is being written, I am on the 20th day being home with my husband, two small children, and my mother.
I live in Austin, Texas, where, along with much of the country, I expect to remain under a “Shelter in Place” order during Palm Sunday. What a strange contradiction on a Sunday in which we would ordinarily march around the streets of the church, waving palm branches, and loudly singing, “Hosanna in the highest!”
Palm Sunday will be here in just a few short days and I am not ready for it. I’m not ready for Holy Week as a priest, as a parent, or as an individual person trying to follow Christ. And yet, it’s coming.
“Yes, I understand you are hikers, but have you ever backpacked in the desert?”
Today is the day that many Christians remember and honor the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, or the event in scripture when Mary and Joseph brought the infant Jesus to the Temple.
Candlemas is the celebration and blessing of candles associated with the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple. The Feast of the Presentation marks the moment Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple as an offering to God, their first born son.
Modern parenting has no shortage of overthinking things, and in particular, no shortage of overthinking holiday celebrations.
Imagination stands as one of the most powerful gifts that God has given human beings.
As we enter into the Christmas season I am struck, once again, at how messy life, family celebrations, and gift giving can be. T