Grow Christians



Living in a Land of Maybes

Lately, I feel like I’ve been living in a land of maybes.Perhaps replying with a “maybe” when someone invites you over for a glass of wine or extends your child an invitation to their son or daughter’s birthday party isn’t a big deal to you – but for me, it’s like twenty five years of history gets unearthed every time I utter the response.


How to Save Teenagers for Eternity in Three Easy Steps

As a teen, my stomach sank whenever I boarded a plane. I wasn’t scared to fly, I was nervous about sharing the gospel with my seatmate. What could be more awkward than cornering the total stranger trapped next to you to inquire about their eternal destiny? Yet that’s what my evangelical preachers told me to do on flights. 


The Furloughed Faithful

During the summer between my second and third years of law school, I worked as an intern in the General Counsel’s Division of Children, Family, and Aging. Every morning, I made my way to the Hubert Humphrey building in the shadow of the nation’s capitol, not realizing until then how many federal government employees filled Washington, D.C. every day.

Discipleship, Spiritual Practices

Good Book Club: A Beginning

Tonight one of my boys burst into tears just as I grabbed the bible to start our reading of Romans. He had just remembered that he lost his homework that is due tomorrow and half-way finished.* I took a deep breath. “We’ll find it buddy, it is time to read Romans now.”

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