Digesting Prayerbook Spirituality: An Interview & a Giveaway
Inwardly Digest, a new book exploring the spiritual lessons of the Book of Common Prayer, was just released. We’re giving away a copy… just comment on this post.
Inwardly Digest, a new book exploring the spiritual lessons of the Book of Common Prayer, was just released. We’re giving away a copy… just comment on this post.
Angels are integral to the story of salvation presented in Scripture. What do they mean to us today?
My relationship with my grandparents planted some of the seeds for my adult conversion to Christianity.
Celebrating 100 posts and 75,000 pageviews this month with a new Archives page.
It helps to remember: we are all the Body of Christ, and the hem of his garment.
One of the fundamentals of our faith is that we believe God created the world. God created for six days,
These free, printable bookmarks are a way to remind both students and teachers of God’s presence with them as a new school year begins.
My travel prayer altar has helped keep me more spiritually centered, grounded, patient, and grateful on family vacations and at conferences.
Terrorism teaches us to fear the stranger. But our faith calls us to love.
An interview with one of the co-authors of the Meet the Saints Family Storybook and Facilitator Guide (available as a free download!).