The Struggle of the 21st Century – Dungeons, Dragons & Disciples – Part 4
This is the struggle of our time: disconnecting our children from devices and connecting them with the embrace of a loving, Christian community.
This is the struggle of our time: disconnecting our children from devices and connecting them with the embrace of a loving, Christian community.
Teens played cards with retirees. Families sat together. Singles were welcomed to the table and made comfortable.
In the next few posts, I’ll help you use your family time, or after school time, or weekend time to train 21st century heroes.
The key to expanding our traditions and journeying joyfully into the church year is three fold – flexibility, simplicity and repeatability.
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Every time I’ve allowed God to prune, uproot, and replant me, my actual wildest dreams and secret hopes have flowered and fruited in ways that were beyond my imaginings.
I have taken a break from the myth of my own indispensability.
We want to give our children the world! So often what we end up giving them is continued complicity in the world’s model of desire and scarcity. Our faith teaches something better.
The creation of these prayers nearly always binds a group together in profound ways.