Grow Christians


Cate Anthony

Cate Anthony is a child of Florida and Delaware, and graduate of McGill University, Berkeley Divinity School, and Yale Divinity School. During her time at YDS, Cate’s academic and pastoral work focused on building a Christian response to cancel culture; her favorite question is “How do we live together faithfully even when we really do not agree?” Cate serves as an Associate Rector at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Richmond, Virginia. Her favorite food is a soft serve twist cone with rainbow sprinkles, a treat she loves to eat with her partner, Emery.

Meredith Baker

Meredith Baker and her family attend Redeemer Episcopal Midlothian in Virginia. She has written about the history of the Episcopal Church of Virginia in The Richmond Theater Fire: the Early Republic’s First Great Disaster (LSU Press, 2012).

Lindsay Adler Barrett

Lindsay Barrett-Adler serves as Development Associate at Forward Movement, turning her mother’s gentle reminders to write prompt thank you notes and share a gift’s impact into a career. Lindsay holds degrees from Capital University and Princeton Theological Seminary, where she met her husband, Paul, an Episcopal priest. When not chasing around her two daughters, you’ll find Lindsay singing “Fly Eagles Fly,” taking photos, or trying out a new recipe in the kitchen.

Wendy Barrie Claire

Wendy Claire Barrie is the author of Faith at Home: A Handbook for Cautiously Christian Parents (2016) and The Church Post-Sunday School: How to be Intergenerational and Why it Matters (Fall 2021). She has served seven Episcopal churches large and small on both coasts in children, youth and family ministry over the last 30 years. She blogs and curates faith formation resources at

Elizabeth Bentrup

Elizabeth Bentrup loves ideas, connecting, and creativity. An enthusiast for education, health, and creation, she and her family have learned more about all of them having had the opportunity to live in Virginia, South Carolina, and Texas. With an interest in civic responsibility and systems, you will often find her sipping coffee and reading the headlines in an actual newspaper, watching CBS Sunday Morning, or lounged out watching college football. When she can, she gets away to beautiful places and live concerts with her two teenage boys and friends.

Meaghan Brower

Meaghan Broweris the associate rector of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Portsmouth, RI. Prior to joining St. Mary’s, she served as the director of the Episcopal Conference Center in Rhode Island for a decade. After graduating from Virginia Theological Seminary in 2007 Meaghan worked as the Associate Rector at Emmanuel Church in Southern Pines, NC. From there she and her husband Jonathan took some time off to travel and discern God’s will in their lives. They were delighted that discernment brought them back in their home state of Rhode Island where Jonathan works as a furniture maker. They have three children.

Susan Caldwell

Susan Caldwell joined Saint Michael and All Angels, Corona del Mar, California in May of 2012 as their Director of Christian Education. She has a heart for working with children, youth, and adults to build and launch new ministry programs. Susan holds two California Teaching Credentials, a Multiple Subject and a Single Subject. She enjoys Youth Confirmation and teaching Baptism classes for parents, as well as leading the small group studies “The Bible Challenge” and “The Inklings.” She has developed an innovative Vacation Bible School program entitled “Journey with the Saints” which takes place each summer. Susan is working on her Ed.D. in Educational Leadership, Specialization Organizational Change. In her spare time, Susan enjoys writing, gardening, water-coloring, and being near the ocean.

Ray Capo

Ray Capo, a published hymn-writer for The United Methodist Church, enjoys watching Marvel superhero shows during spare time, but says he enjoys his writing hobby the most. He has taught in public schools for nearly 30 years and currently teaches Language Arts within the Special Education setting where he works. He began teaching Christian formation classes at the age of 12 and after several decades, still finds joy in bringing the stories of the Bible to life for young children.

Sarah Carr

Sarah Carr is a stay-at-home mom who often wonders if all those communication studies at university were simply for this calling: parenting six children alongside her headmaster/priest husband. Late at night she can be found surrounded by stacks of shortbread and piping bags of icing filling cookie orders for her home business, listening to podcasts about the enneagram and, most recently, middle school and young adult fiction to stock the shelves of the bookstore she and her husband opened with friends in their hometown of Oklahoma City.

Emily Gowdy Canady

Emily Gowdy Canady has been a lay professional in the Episcopal Church for more than 20 years. In that time she served parishes in Alabama and Washington, DC as a youth minister, as the Diocese of East Carolina’s Program Officer for Youth, College Campus and Young Adult Ministries, and currently as East Carolina’s Missioner for Lifelong Christian Formation. In her very spare time, she enjoys running, crafting of all kinds, and cooking. She lives with her husband and two school aged children in New Bern, NC.

Christina (Tina) Clark

Tina Clark has worked in ministry with children, youth, and their families for many years, most recently as Director of Christian Formation at Saint John’s Cathedral in Denver. She is the author of Arts Camp: A Creative, Customizable Alternative to Vacation Bible School and Beyond, of a novel, Little Goods on Earth, and of a not-yet-published children’s book about God in creation. These days, Tina’s focus is on continuing her ministry through writing, advocating for children and youth, and finishing her Masters in Theological Studies at Iliff School of Theology. Tina lives in Denver with her partner, Ray, and a houseful of teenage boys and rescue dogs.

Ben Day

Ben Day is the rector of Christ Episcopal Church in Kennesaw, GA. He is an avid reader, cyclist, and runner. He is also a single father to a wonderful young son, Marshall. They share their home with two rescue dogs, Becket and Augustine—both named after Archbishops of Canterbury!

Dorian Del Priore

Dorian Del Priore is an Episcopal priest currently serving as the Priest in Charge at Holy Cross Episcopal Church in Simpsonville, SC. A graduate of the University of South Carolina and Virginia Theological Seminary, he has been involved in youth ministry for more than 25 years. He also has a love for chaplaincy, both in college and summer camp settings. Dorian is a husband to Lauren and a father to Jordan and Brynn. They have a particular heart for rescuing Great Danes, with four in their current herd, along with their two tabby cats. He loves photography, swimming, hiking, camping, and ice cream, especially butter pecan.

Elizabeth Felicetti

Elizabeth Felicetti, served as rector of St. David’s Episcopal in Richmond, Virginia and was the author of two books Unexpected Abundance: The Fruitful Lives of Women Without Children and Irreverent Prayers (co-authored with Grow Christians writer Samantha Vincent-Alexander).

Ann Benton Fraser

Fraser Ann Benton is a priest serving as an associate rector at historic St. Mark’s in downtown San Antonio, TX. She lives with her husband Andrew, who is a fellow Louisiana native, and their three children (two Mississippians and a Texan). She spends time reading, being outside, and learning from her children. Either indecisive or decidedly adaptable, she likes Game of Thrones and Call the Midwife, using scissors and glue, making messes and cleaning up messes, quiet and chaos, things Protestant and Catholic.


Tim Gavin

Tim Gavin is an Episcopal priest who loves life and spending time with his wife, Joyce, and their two golden retrievers. He serves as the Head Chaplain at The Episcopal Academy, located in Newtown Square, Pennsylvania. In addition to providing pastoral care, he teaches biblical literature, leads worship services, and oversees the community service program. He, also, coordinates the school’s partnership program with St. Marc’s School in the Central Plateau of Haiti, which he visits three to four times a year. As a result of his work in Haiti, he enjoys studying Haitian literature, history, and language (Creole). In addition to his work as a school chaplain, he serves as an associate priest at St. Alban’s Church in Newtown Square. Tim is a poet and the author of Lyrics from the Central Plateau and A Radical Beginning: A Journey through the Prayer of St. FrancisHis poems have appeared most recently in The Anglican Theological Review, Blue Mountain Review, Cresset, Pacific Poetry, Poetry Quarterly, Poetry South, and others. Tim enjoys praying, reading, writing, and distance running.

Sara Irwin

The Rev Sara Irwin is the Rector of St Andrew’s Episcopal Church Pittsburgh.  She is mom to teens Adah and Isaiah and spouse to another Episcopal priest, the Rev Noah Evans. She is part of the Creative Writing and Public Theology Doctor of Ministry program at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, and loves contemplative prayer and tattoos.  

Maria Kane

Maria Kane is a priest, historian, writer, and rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 30 miles outside of Washington, D.C. Prior to arriving at St. Paul’s, Mother Maria served as a parish priest in southern Virginia and a chaplain & teacher at a New England boarding school. She’s long been fascinated by history and storytelling and finds immeasurable joy in hearing people’s stories and walking alongside them in faith. She has written for Weavings, Alive Now!, and the Upper Room. For two years, she served as one of Lent Madness’ Celebrity Bloggers. 

Lauren Kuratko

Lauren Kuratko is an Episcopal priest and mother in the Diocese of New York. As a spiritual director, she enjoys looking for God in the humor (and humdrum!) of everyday life and community. Lauren is the Rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY. Lauren enjoys outdoor adventures with her husband and three exuberant boys, every single second of quiet she can find, and cheering for Auburn football. 

Ryan Kuratko

Ryan Kuratko serves as chaplain to students at Columbia, Barnard and other campuses in Uptown and the Bronx. He is fascinated by the multi-dimensional formation of higher education, particularly teaching and shaping Christian communities interested in compassion and justice. He is drawn to the generous Episcopal traditions that value everyday spirituality, rich diversity, and humor.

Eric J. Liles

Eric J. Liles is a native of the Golden State with deep roots in the Lone Star State. He is a son, a brother, a husband, a father, and a dog owner. He is an enneagram type 8 with a 9 wing (aka the momma bear!) and a Myers Briggs INFJ. He received a Bachelors of Arts degree at Texas A&M University, Masters in Divinity at at Virginia Theological Seminary, and Doctor of Ministry at the School of Theology at the University of the South. He plays a little guitar, enjoys traveling, cycling, hiking, and camping, an occasional cigar and distilled beverage. You can follow his ministry through his blog Preaching with Luke 

Kit Lonergan

Kit Lonergan is currently serving as Priest for Welcome and Care at Trinity Church Boston.  She and her husband are parents to a rescue  chocolate lab and two human children. She would desperately like to tell you about her hobbies, but they would currently be listed as: eating leftover food off plastic plates, searching for rogue socks, and wearing sweaters with something unidentifiable smeared on the shoulder in public. Neither crafty nor good with plants, she loves intergenerational ministry, dark humor, the BBC and pie. 

Elliott May

Elliott May (he/him) is the Director of Children, Youth, Family, and Young Adult Ministry at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Brookline, MA. Prior to entering parish ministry, Elliott worked in public education. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Seminary. He currently lives near Boston with his wife and two young children. In his free time, Elliott loves reading, watching sports, and trying to brew the perfect cup of coffee. 

Miriam Willard McKenney

Miriam Willard McKenney finds extreme joy parenting her three girls: Nia, Kaia, and Jaiya. She and her husband, David, met at the Union of Black Episcopalians conference in 1981. Miriam works as Forward Movement’s Development Director and is on the Way of Love working group. She was a children’s librarian and school media specialist for 20 years before joining Forward Movement’s staff. She loves to evangelize about her love of outdoor fitness, even in extreme temperatures — as there is no bad weather, just incorrect clothing choices

Cara Meredith

Cara Meredith is a writer, speaker, and south-after conversationalist. A former high school English teacher and non-profit outreach director, her writing has appeared in numerous print and online publications. The Color of Lifea spiritual memoir about her journey as a white woman into issues of race and justice, was released in February 2019. She holds a Masters of Theology from Fuller Seminary and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her family. You can connect with her on her website, as well as TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.

Jamie Osborne

Jamie Osborne is an Episcopal priest currently serving as a chaplain in the Air Force. He and his family live in Nebraska. In addition to nurturing those already in the Episcopal Church, Jamie has a desire to guide young adults and those who are unchurched/ dechurched into a life of faith in the Episcopal tradition. He also spends quite a bit of time wondering what God might be calling the church to be and do in the midst of the cultural, technological, and religious shifts that are happening in the landscape of the United States and the world.

Nurya Love Parish

Nurya Love Parish is an Episcopal priest, blogger, speaker, and ministry developer. She is the co-founder of Plainsong Farm and the curator of the guide to the Christian food movement. When she is not in front of a computer or at a meeting, she can often be found in the kitchen.

Genevieve Razim

Genevieve Razim is grateful for the generations of church folk who have shared the faith with her. As the Rector of All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Austin, TX, she prays for the grace to do the same. Married for 25 years and the mother of two young men, her favorite place to be is at the table with loved ones. Additional reflections can be found at She is married to a priest and they have a son who finds church incredible boring unless she says “hell” in a sermon. Samantha worked with three other clergy women on a book entitled Grace in the Rearview Mirror published 2023.  She is also the co-author of Irreverent Prayers which will be published by Eerdmans in July 2024.  She has been told she needs a “platform” and now tweets @svincentalexand The Rev.

Scott Robinson

Scott Robinson has one of those résumés that give HR people a migraine. He performed at Renaissance Faires for thirty years. He taught college music for ten. He wrote for newspapers and magazines such as Sojourners, the St. Paul Pioneer Press, Minnesota Parent, and the Philadelphia Inquirer. His music has been recorded on the Naxos label. He worked for five years as a hospice chaplain. He has been a professed member of the Third Order of St. Francis, a religious order within the Episcopal Church, since 2001. He lives in Philadelphia.

Ben Rockwell

Ben Rockwell enjoys Star Wars, watching superhero shows with his kids, and questioning the idea of “Marriage or Mortgage” with his wife. He spends more time than he should staring at the compost in the backyard and trying to keep his two dogs from eating it. A graduate of the University of Georgia and Virginia Theological Seminary, he has served parishes in both the Diocese of Georgia and the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast, where he is currently the Associate Rector at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Mobile.

Caroline Rossini

Caroline Rossini is a lifelong Episcopalian and native Nashvillian. In 2009, she came to Christ Church Cathedral in Nashville as the youth minister, and although it is no longer her job, she and her family remain deeply engaged members of the congregation. Now Caroline works part-time in nonprofit finance & operations, but more often than not she can be found riding scooters with her two boys in the driveway or playing on her yoga mat or strolling around Radnor Lake. She is also the creator of @holyfamilyroadtrip on Instagram.

Emily Rutledge

Emily Rutledge is the Children, Youth, & Family Minister at Church of Our Saviour in Charlottesville, Virginia. She is passionate about creating communities of belonging rooted in God’s infinite and inclusive love, consent, and clearance sales. She has absolutely none of life figured out and finds that her Type A personality doesn’t mix well with the surprising nature of existence. She is daily working to live authentically while raising two small humans and holding space for her congregation. You can read about how that is almost working out on her blog It’s a Hot Holy Mess

Laura Shaver

 Laura Shaver loves her life full of all things boy. She is married to Trevor and together they have three beautiful young sons. Her faith sustains her, the coastal air lifts her spirits, and she finds courage in talking faithful parenting with any mom willing to listen and share. She has worked in Episcopal church communications for the past 12 years. Daily life involves lots of balance among two full-time working parents, active children, and seeking Jesus’ sweet guidance through it all. 

Melody Wilson Shobe

Melody Wilson Shobe is an Episcopal priest who has served churches in Rhode Island and Texas. A graduate of Tufts University and Virginia Theological Seminary, Melody had authored and co-authored a number of books and curricula for Forward Movement, including Faithful QuestionsMeet the Saints: A Family StorybookThe Path: A Family Storybook, and Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs & Practices (due out Summer 2017). Melody, her husband, and their two daughters live in Dallas, Texas, where she spends her spare time reading stories, building forts, conquering playgrounds, baking cookies, and exploring nature. A lifelong Episcopalian,

Christian Simmers

Christian Simmers is a wife, mother, and nurse practitioner in the mountain foothills of Central Virginia. After a decade at the hospital bedside, she noticed striking similarities between teaching nursing students how to care for the sick and teaching her daughters to care for the world around them. She blogs about their adventures and her lessons in humility at

Heather Sleightholm

Heather Sleightholm is an artist, wife and mother living in northeastern Oklahoma. She sells her paintings through her folk art business and recently illustrated the book Mary Holds My Hand by Michele Chronister. You can read more about her art and exploration of faith through her paintbrush

Allison Bird Treacy

Allison Bird Treacy is the Children’s Program Coordinator at Christ Church Needham, a Godly Play Trainer, and the writer behind the weekly formation newsletter Wiggles & Wonder. Bird discovered her passion for children’s ministry as a young person growing up in an ELCA congregation in Staten Island where she first began teaching Sunday School and Vacation Bible School in her early teens. She lives with her wife and four cats in Boston and can often be found cooking or participating in jigsaw puzzle contests.

Samantha Vincent-Alexander

Samantha Vincent-Alexander is the rector of Christ Episcopal Church in Philadelphia. She is married to a priest and they have a son who finds church incredible boring unless she says “hell” in a sermon. Samantha worked with three other clergy women on a book entitled Grace in the Rearview Mirror published 2023.  She is also the co-author of Irreverent Prayers which will be published by Eerdmans in July 2024.  She has been told she needs a “platform” and now tweets @svincentalexand The Rev.

Erin Jean Warde

Erin Jean Warde works as a Teaching Assistant at Tempest Sobriety School and serves as the lifestyle & humor editor at Earth & Altar, a publication in partnership with Forward Movement. She lives in Austin, TX, but she grew up in Alabama and you can hear it when she talks. She studied English and Creative Writing at Troy University and received her M. Div from Seminary of the Southwest. When she is not writing, verbally processing, and laughing, she can be found in a coffee shop or vintage store making new friends.

Emily Watkins

Emily Watkins Emily Watkins has a Masters in Applied Theology from Regent College in Vancouver and is the Director of Instruction at The Augustine Academy, a hybrid Charlotte Mason School in the Milwaukee area. She loves spending days by Lake Michigan and doing nature study in the Wisconsin woods with her husband and four sons.

Bonnie Smith Whitehouse

Bonnie Smith Whitehouse is the mom to two spirited boys and a member of St. Augustine’s Episcopal Chapel in Nashville, Tennessee. She is the author of Seasons of Wonder: Making the Ordinary Sacred Through Projects, Prayers, Reflections, and RitualsAfoot and Lighthearted: A Journal for Mindful Walking, and Kickstart Creativity: 50 Prompted Cards to Spark Inspiration. Bonnie is also the Executive Director of Global Honors Program and Professor of English at Belmont University.

Melissa Wilcox

The Rev. Melissa Wilcox lives in a charming walking-town outside of Philadelphia. She lives with her husband, who serves as a rector at Christ Episcopal Church. They make their home in a Victorian “condo” literally attached to the church, with their three lively children–Elias, Adelaide, and Josiah. She serves the church as an assistant rector at Church of the Redeemer, Bryn Mawr, PA. Melissa blogs about the intersection of faith and family and sundry other things at

Mary Lee Wile

Mary Lee Wile has served for over twenty years as a deacon in the Diocese of Maine. A retired high school teacher, her diaconal ministries have included pediatric hospice chaplaincy, prison ministry, spiritual direction, writing (including two children’s books for Forward Movement, two months of Forward Day by Day, and ongoing posts for Grow Christians), and co-facilitating Sacred Ground circles. She also delights in time spent with lively grandchildren.

Carrie Willard

lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband, two sons, three dogs, and a cat who showed up on her front step one day. Carrie is an attorney who works in university administration. Her writing also appears in Mockingbird and the Anglican Digest. Carrie and her family attend Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church in Houston.


Sara Yoe

Sara Yoe (they/them) is a lifelong Episcopalian, native to central and southern Maryland. Their  mother’s early onset Alzheimer’s diagnosis and death greatly impacted Sara’s faith and journey with God. Sara often says that God called them back to Godself when they were a freshman in college and working as a summer camp counselor at the Claggett Center. They got involved with St. Andrew’s, Glenwood that fall, and it was during the rest of their college years that their ministry at camp and with St. Andrew’s allowed them to hear a call to ordained ministry. After college, they spent a year in the Episcopal Service Corps and two years at the former Epiphany Episcopal Church. In 2022, they graduated from Church Divinity School of the Pacific with a Masters of Divinity and have since been back in Maryland, serving at St. Francis Episcopal Parish & Community Center as Assistant Rector for Children, Youth, & Families. Outside of work, Sara enjoys spending time with their dogs Esther & Ruthie, crafting of all kinds, and playing board games with friends.

Allison Sandlin Liles, Editor

The Rev. Allison Sandlin Liles is a wife, mother, peacemaker, and priest who lives with her family in Dallas. After working as Episcopal Peace Fellowship’s Executive Director for six years, Allison re-entered parish ministry in 2018 as the Vicar of St Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Hurst, Texas. When she’s not working, it’s almost certain that you’ll find Allison in one of four places: reading on her Kindle in the front yard hammock, volunteering at Operation Kindness Animal Shelter, walking one of her family’s two dogs, or begging her teen children to create/craft/cook with her.

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