Grow Christians

Author name: Tina Clark

Christina (Tina) Clark serves as Family Minister at St Barnabas Episcopal Church in Denver, CO and is the author of the resource book “Arts Camp: A Creative, Customizable Alternative to Vacation Bible School and Beyond” and of the novel “Little Gods on Earth.” Tina lives between Denver and the Rocky Mountains with her wife, 2 sons, 2 dogs, and permanent foster cat. A staunch advocate for social justice, Tina yearns to walk every day in the baptismal covenant to seek and serve Christ by striving for justice and peace among all people and respecting the dignity of every human being…even the ones with whom she disagrees.


Childhood and the Church

Our children, soon-to-be youth, have important ideas and understandings of the world, their place in it, and their relationship with the Creator to share with us. Are we as the church listening?

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