Grow Christians

Author name: Scott Robinson, TSSF


I’m just glad he’s not gay.

And all day I have listened to partisan commentators insist that their own hateful and inflammatory rhetoric against the LGBTQIA+ community cannot be blamed for this incident, because the shooter is “one of their own.” Hypocrites! Viper’s brood!


Martin of Tours

In 371, Martin was elected bishop of Tours. When an officer of the Imperial Guard arrived with a number of prisoners who were to be tortured and executed the next day, Martin intervened and secured their release.

Discipleship, Saints

The Godless Creation

I used to quote this passage to my students at the evangelical university where I taught for ten years. They always nodded in sage agreement, murmuring appreciatively—until I told them the verse wasn’t from the Bible. It’s an Islamic hadith, one of a large collection of wisdom sayings that complement and amplify the Qur’an.

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