The New Look of Christendom
Now, I understand that it is now considered problematic to use the Hebrew Scriptures as Phillip did in this passage, as proof-texts of the divinity of Jesus, but that is not the problem I’m interested in here.
Now, I understand that it is now considered problematic to use the Hebrew Scriptures as Phillip did in this passage, as proof-texts of the divinity of Jesus, but that is not the problem I’m interested in here.
Jesus not only called Matthew to be a disciple, but received many of his friends and associates with kindness and acceptance.
“Nothing human’s not a broth of false and true.” —Frederick Buechner, Godric
I’ve spent a long time pondering what universal human experience the story of the Transfiguration is trying to tell us.
Joseph the Levite believed in second chances. The apostles called him Barnabas, meaning “son of encouragement.”