Another post about racism with a dose of hope
How do you begin to dismantle racism in our daily lives? Miriam writes about the challenge and the necessity of challenging and obliterating racism.
How do you begin to dismantle racism in our daily lives? Miriam writes about the challenge and the necessity of challenging and obliterating racism.
When your children realize that they’re adults, it puts a whole new spin on the phrase “life comes at you fast.” Miriam McKenney wonders whether or not her kids’ faith lives are enough to equip them for adulthood.
Forward Movement staff encounter a moment of radical kindness in the streets of Austin, Texas during General Convention – from a teenager.
Do your kids love church camp? What do you do when they don’t? Miriam McKenney shares her experiences with her daughters when some love church camp and some don’t.
Thanks to his sermon at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the world knows who Bishop Michael Curry is and knows his message. On my social media feeds, a question keeps coming up again and again: What do we do now? There are lots of things we can do, so let’s start at home.
Philip and James aren’t the most well known of the Twelve Apostles, so what can we learn from them? For one thing, they left everything and followed Jesus. Could you do that?
It’s time to be completely honest: my family hasn’t been attending church regularly. After thirteen years, we decided we needed a break. Over a year later, I’m ready for us to return. Will my family want to come with me?
How is your scripture engagement going with your kids? How about you youth ministers and Sunday school teachers and leaders? Miriam McKenney continues to read the Bible with her kids at church, and we’re reaping what we’ve sown. The children are growing into the Word of God.
How do you talk to your children about death? In particular, how do you talk about your death? When illness strikes, the McKenneys turn to God for strength.
If we recognize God in our lives, we must acknowledge Satan, too. This post explores how we talk with our children about Satan, and how we recognize Satan working in our lives.