Grow Christians

Author name: Mary Lee Wile

The Rev. Mary Lee Wile has served for over twenty years as a deacon in the Diocese of Maine. A retired high school teacher, her diaconal ministries have included pediatric hospice chaplaincy, prison ministry, spiritual direction, writing (including two children’s books for Forward Movement, two months of Forward Day by Day, and ongoing posts for Grow Christians), and co-facilitating Sacred Ground circles. She also delights in time spent with lively grandchildren.


The humble intimacy of Maundy Thursday

Looking back at the Grow Christians pandemic posts for Maundy Thursday about the creative ways families shared this night’s ritual, part of me wonders if our church services can ever approach the intimacy of the footwashing done by family members for one another.


Love and serve…anyway.

On Friday mornings, on the corner of Pleasant and Union Streets in the heart of Brunswick, Maine, Nancy stands next to a picnic table the children of our congregation painted in vibrant colors.

Liturgical Year, Prayer

Lifting up the lowly

When I was a little girl, the closet in my bedroom had a back door. You pushed through clothes, unlatched a hook, and behind the door was a dark tunnel: a slanted crawl space that ran the length of the house.

Liturgical Year

Come and worship….

Worship has been much on my mind recently, not necessarily the liturgy or the music or whether to be online or in person for Christmas services, but mostly I’ve been pondering the innate human need to worship, and its various manifestations.

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