Can you transfer the Annunciation?
When an important celebration like the Annunciation falls in Holy Week, can we transfer it to a more palatable date? Liturgically, sure.
When an important celebration like the Annunciation falls in Holy Week, can we transfer it to a more palatable date? Liturgically, sure.
When I reflect on Tabitha, I think of the many things that have died, literally and metaphorically, in the last few years.
While I can’t control the war in the Ukraine, I can control my response to it.
Today we celebrate the Visitation of Mary. The Visitation is when Mary, pregnant with Jesus, goes to visit her cousin Elizabeth, pregnant with John (the baptizer). I like to think about this holy friendship—this time of mutual support and love for each other.
I love thinking about Simeon holding Jesus in the temple singing about how his eyes have finally seen God that light to enlighten the nations.
The end of Christmas crashes the promised healing of the manger scene into the wounded world and the terror cultivated by those who fear the loss of power. Christ is already active in the world, but everything is not yet well.
I would love to be delivered from the disquietude, the anxiety, the unease, of this world. Want to come up with me to the mountain for just a little bit?
Lately, I’ve gotten into gardening. We are lucky enough to live in a home on a church property, with places around the property where we can garden.