Celebrating the souls who helped us on our Christian journey
Today, All Souls Day, our family takes time give thanks for and share stories about family members and friends who have helped us along our Christian journey.
Today, All Souls Day, our family takes time give thanks for and share stories about family members and friends who have helped us along our Christian journey.
Yesterday, on day two, I awoke before the rest of our household and read the news, as I typically do each morning. The difference was yesterday as I read the news, my white prayer pumpkin was sitting in front of me.
In one of the premarital counseling sessions with my wife, the therapist asked us about gender roles in our relationship.
One of the reasons I love celebrating minor saint commemorations is that doing so gives our family the opportunities to talk about heroes of our faith and the history and geography of the Christian Church.
As we enter into the Christmas season I am struck, once again, at how messy life, family celebrations, and gift giving can be. T
As members of a community devoted to growing Christians, I hope we don’t need to be reminded about turning our hearts towards our children whether they are biological, adopted, or spiritual. But actually, there are times when I do need to repent, to turn my heart away from what is distracting me, and to turn it towards my children.
Today is the feast of Saint Philip and Saint James, apostles with ambiguous storylines and confusingly common names.
Please church, welcome, encourage and support the faith, prophetic voices, and ministries of our young people. We need them now more than ever.
Today’s Feast of James the Apostle also happens to be the birthday of one of my precious children. Our family will