Grow Christians

More Prayer Stations for Election Day

In 2020 and 2022, I developed sets of prayer stations that could be used either at home or in a congregation for reflection before, during, or after the national elections. For the 2024 fall election season, I decided to create a new set of prayer stations that can be used in a wide variety of contexts. These stations provide people with tangible ways to pray for our communities and leaders on Election Day, as well as in the time after.

Each station includes three elements: A scripture, a prayer activity, and a prayer (the prayer can be offered silently or said aloud). They require minimal prep and can be done using objects you may already have on hand.

These prayer stations are flexible. Here are some ways I think they can be used:

  1. In the context of a prayer vigil or liturgy in a congregation or faith community.
  2. Integrated into family prayer times during the days before, during, and after Election Day. These prayers could become a part of mealtime or bedtime prayers, or you could set them up in a special prayer room or on a home altar (even a coffee table would work!).
  3. Set up to use with a small group or a youth group during a lesson or worship time.
  4. Set up stations in your church building (or another appropriate location) and make the space available for personal prayer and reflection before, during, and after Election Day.

These stations are easily adapted to fit your context and community. You might set up one station or all of them. Here are a few tips for setting up stations:

  • Print the scripture reading, or have a Bible marked to the reading so that it is more easily accessible.
  • Have an “instruction sheet” that includes the instructions for the station, along with the prayer. I have started creating my instruction sheets using Canva; here is the link to a template that you can use. Just make a copy of the template, then you can make your own changes and adaptations!
  • Set up stations in a place that is distraction-free, accessible, and comfortable. Create a reflective, meditative space by playing soft instrumental music, dimming the lights, or utilizing candles. (If the prayer space will not be regularly monitored, use battery-operated candles!)
  • If setting up multiple stations, spread them out in the space so people have a sense of privacy while praying. If you are setting up stations for a large group of people, you may want to set up more than one of each station or set several instruction sheets at a station. Depending on the size of the group, I usually leave 3-4 instruction sheets per station.

Prayer Stations

Station #1: Links

  • Supplies needed: Strips of paper (construction paper works well), tape or a stapler, markers or pens
  • Setup: Set out instruction sheets; use a few strips of paper to begin a paper chain
  • Read: Isaiah 61:1-2, Amos 5:24
  • Reflect: God calls each of us to proclaim the good news and work for justice and peace on earth. On a strip of paper, write a prayer for justice and peace, and asking God to help you live out this calling. Add your strip of paper to the chain and read some of the prayers that others have written.
  • Pray Aloud: God of justice, you call us to be your hands and feet in the world. Help me be a person who seeks justice and shares your love with all. Amen.

Station #2: Be Still

  • Supplies: Fragrant candle or incense, chair
  • Setup: Set out instruction sheets; light a fragrant candle or incense. Place a chair close enough that you can smell the fragrance.
  • Read: John 14:25-27; Psalm 46:10
  • Reflect: Around Election Day, our minds are overloaded with information. It could make us anxious, or even scared. However, taking a moment to be still and rest in the presence of God can calm our minds and remind us of God’s presence, even in times of anxiety and uncertainty. Sit, close your eyes, and breathe in the scent. Breathe deeply and take in the presence of God.
  • Pray Aloud: If needed, use this breath prayer to keep you focused. On an inhale, say “Peace I leave with you.” On an exhale, say “Be still.”

Station #3: Maps

  • Supplies: Maps (any size) of both the United States and the world, tea light candles (real or battery-operated), lighter (if using real candles)
  • Setup: Set out instruction sheets; lay out maps; place candles and lighter nearby.
  • Read: Ezekiel 22:30
  • Reflect: Look at the maps. Consider the issues facing our nation and world during this election season. We are all in need of God’s love, justice, and reconciliation. Now, more than ever, our communities all need compassion, empathy, and understanding. Light a candle and place it among the maps. Pray for peace, healing, compassion, and understanding.
  • Pray Aloud: Holy God, fill my heart with peace, love, and compassion. Help our communities reach places of mutual understanding. Bring healing to places divided. Help me be a person who shares your love with the world. Amen.

Station #4: Sand

  • Supplies: Sand, shallow bowl or container
  • Setup: Set out instruction sheets; pour sand into a shallow bowl or container. If you are doing this station with a larger group, you may wish to set out more than one bowl. It is also recommended that you set up this station in a place where cleanup will be easy, or put down a covering to help keep sand off the carpet.
  • Read: Matthew 5:14-16
  • Reflect: Take a moment to pray for all the people involved in local, state, and national elections. Pray for all who run for public office: for wisdom, compassion, and understanding. Pray for poll workers and volunteers who serve others during elections: for safety and rest. Pray for all who cast a ballot: that we may use our voice and vote to proclaim God’s love. Write your prayers in the sand and wipe them away, offering them to God.
  • Pray Aloud: God of compassion, you look with kindness on all people. Guide us all during this election season and make us people who share your light and love with the world. Amen.

Art Station

  • In addition to the above stations, you may wish to also set up an “art station” where people can freely write or draw their prayers. Set up a table with paper, pencils, markers, colored pencils, or other art supplies. I also set out some coloring pages (mandalas work great!) for those who would prefer something more structured. Leave an instruction sign that invites people to free write or draw their prayers.

How will you pray as we near election day?

How will you pray with your family? With your congregation?

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