When the pandemic struck, I–like so many other parents of young children–suddenly found myself unresourced and unsupported in the total care of a growing person. After endless online research, I finally found a curriculum to launch my own home version of kindergarten to ease the burden. Soon, I was printing weekly readings, stapling coloring sheets, and ordering a wide range of supplies to allow for a wide variety of activities: a box of toothpicks join chunks of apple into boats; mod-podge leaves and contact paper make a stained glass window; golf tees and a mini hammer let us practice motor skills on a sacrificial pumpkin. It was—a lot. Setting up the curriculum demanded more time than the learning moments with my child! Instead of offloading my overwhelm, the curriculum only added to it. I didn’t make it past Thanksgiving before abandoning the program.
A little more than a year ago, I was invited to join an Episcopal Church Evangelism Team working group charged with creating a “discipleship resource for kids and their beloved communities.” That pandemic experience was top of mind. It turns out I wasn’t alone. Our group sat together and admitted some hard truths about family and church life after the pandemic:
- Families—and parishes—are stretched as thin as can be.
- For many families, formation now happens on the fly (if at all), and so it must fit into the busy midst of the rest of life.
- For parishes lucky enough to have dedicated formation time with children, any resource must be easy to use and easy to adapt if it is to be functional.
- And what about the bulk of parishes without critical mass or dedicated formation time for kids? How could we serve them, too?
Our primary question: “What will make this resource usable and useful to people who care for children in diverse and complex circumstances?”
The result was “The BIG Way of Love for Kids”: a beautiful deck of cards with no rules, which invites children of all ages to discover what it looks like to love like Jesus.

The cards follow the seven practices of the Way of Love. Through scripture, prayer, and activities, we TURN to Jesus, LEARN about him, PRAY to God, WORSHIP God, BLESS people close to us, GO walk with people who are different, and REST in God’s love.
And all in a pocket-friendly, adventure-ready deck of cards, neatly tucked in its own colorful box.
How might you use these cards?
In family life, think about all the possible times for connection. You might bring the cards along as a conversation starter on the drive to school or to the sidelines during soccer practice. You can pull them out at the dinner table, at bathtime, or in that sweet and tender time before bed. The cards are simple enough that kids can explore them alone, with a friend, or with one of their grown-ups.
At church, the cards might be the stem of a children’s sermon or the root of a formation activity. Place a few cards in your “Play and Pray” bags, or have decks available at the back of the sanctuary. Splay them across the table in the Sunday School room or onto the lunch tables at Vacation Bible School.
The adaptability of this offering extends beyond the cards themselves. In addition to the card decks, the same content is also available online in two printable versions: a color version that collects the content for each Way of Love practice by age and ability and a black-and-white coloring version, which lets kids think with their hands as they follow Jesus on the Way of Love.
In addition, a rich Grown-ups Companion Guide, available online, has an extra section of group-friendly games for each Way of Love practice, perfect to play with in formation contexts or intergenerational groups. And finally, don’t forget to check out the audio stories available online, featuring Gospel stories told by familiar voices (even Presiding Bishop Michael Curry)!
We’re never too old or too young to walk the Way of Love—and it doesn’t have to be hard. The Way of Love, after all, is a way of life. Pick a card, any card, and see where God is inviting you and your littles today.
We hope and pray that this simple, beautiful offering will move and grow with your family or your formation class, helping you and the children you know and love to draw closer to the heart of God. If you’ve got questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at bigwaykids@episcopalchurch.org.
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